When Michael Haltiwanger first reached out to me about helping him tell his story, I had no idea we were embarking on a seven-year journey that would profoundly touch both our lives.

When Your Inner Child Writes Your First Draft
Memoirists who are writing about something they experienced in childhood
often tell me that they feel that their first drafts are very much their
inner child writing. Literally they feel she or he steps forward and takes
over. And that adult them takes over in subsequent drafts, able to be more
subjective and therefore able to craft the story for an audience.

Memoirists – Does Music Help You Write?
Many people imagine writers hunched over keyboards, frantically typing as
inspiration strikes. But as I mentioned in a recent blog some of the most deliberate
authors I work with take a different approach.

Editing Your Memoir
You know that feeling when you look at a beautiful sculpture and wonder how
the artist saw it hiding in that block of marble, or piece of wood? Well,
editing your memoir isn’t so different.

The Woman With a Story to Tell: Understanding the Heart of Memoir Writing
“Does my story matter?” she wonders.
“Is it too late to start?” she asks.
“And where do I start?”

Jane Bloom On Writing Three Memoirs
Jane is one of my favourite writers, particularly for her gift of observation – the most important skill of any memoirist.
For me, she is up there with the greats such as Marta Zsabo, Abigail Thomas and Deborah Levy*. As she says, “My inspiration comes from happenings and people”.

Why Everyone Should Write a Memoir
In May, 2024, I did a LinkedIn live with Jasmine Navarro, family and executive wellbeing expert.

Six Part Online Memoir Writing Course now available
Our six part online memoir writing course, Start Writing, Keep Writing, is now available. Watch this video to meet Marnie and find out what the course entails… Click here to read more and sign up, or drop Marnie a line with any questions.
Dear Marnie
Marnie was exactly the person we needed. Eric had written his memoir but it needed a thoughtful, expert edit and a bit of tidying. She was meticulous and sensitive in her reading and suggestions; also her enthusiasm for his writing and her understanding were so encouraging. She then steered us to just the right people to see it through and…
Wake Up Little Suzy Marnie – a trusted friend. I chose Marnie to help me with my first memoir back in 2017. My book had some very sensitive content. Marnie ensured I was kept ‘safe’ from any potential legal fall out. I felt confident that I was in the hands of selfless wisdom. She knows her subject intimately. Seven years…
When the Window Closes: What I learned caring for my mom while she was alive and dying I don’t know what to say except that Marnie is THE BEST! I found her in the acknowledgments a friend wrote in his memoir, and I messaged him to ask about her. He could not say enough good things, so I reached out to…
Marnie helped me dive deep and made sure my readers could understand where my character and the other characters were coming from. Most importantly, she helped me deliver the best memoir I could. For that I am very grateful and would suggest and recommend her to anyone who is looking to build something that they want and to have her…