
marnie square

The Whitstable MemMap Project – WhitLit Wants Your Stories

As you may know, I am the Memoir Director of WhitLit, a new literary festival coming to Whitstable from May 8-11, 2014. Here’s a full programme of events. During WhitLit our authors will be telling us some great stories. But we know that Whitstable has its own stories to tell. And that’s why I’ve launched […]

marnie square

Your Memoir Gift Voucher – The Gift That Gives Forever

I’ve been thinking recently about how we choose which memories to remember. Why we remember what we do, what we don’t forget and how these choices lead us to create the memoirs we write. I’m sure it’s not a conscious choice, so maybe choice is the wrong word. After all, plenty of us remember things […]

marnie square

Happy 2nd Anniversary (and a very jolly video!)

Hard as it is for me to believe, Your Memoir is two years old this month, August 2013. Yay! You can never be complacent when you run your own business but *touches wood* I couldn’t be happier. I am busy, people are finding me. I seem to be offering something that people want and need. […]

marnie square

Exciting Announcement

In my last post I mentioned that I was to have a role in WhitLit, Whitstable’s first literary festival, taking place in 2014… I can now reveal that, thrillingly, I am the festival’s Memoir Director! To say I am excited is an understatement. I am working with founder and co-director Victoria Falconer (formerly Annable), a […]

marnie square

My Week – Memoirs and Secrets

I am currently ghostwriting for nine authors and this week, I worked with three of them. On Tuesday, I met a woman in her 30s. We’ve just started on her memoir – a life full of secrets. Her book will be 60,000-80,000 words and everyone of them jaw-dropping… On Wednesday I met a chap in […]

marnie square

You Can Find Memoirs Everywhere

You can! It’s true! In February I was the memoirist-in-residence at GEEK2013, a gaming event in marvellous Margate, Kent. I spent three days there digging for memoirs and here are some I found. Where there are people, there are memoirs… “In 1978 I used to bunk off school to play Space Invaders at my mate’s […]

marnie square

Whitstable Memoirs

Happy New Year to you all! I made a few resolutions and one of them was to blog once a month, so here we go for January with news of a very exciting event… From January 12 to 27, 2013, Whitstable’s Horsebridge Arts and Community Centre is being turned into a Time Travel Tourist Information […]

marnie square

Edit Shmedit

Some of my authors are starting their books from scratch and I am the ghostwriter. Others have already started writing, or have written the whole thing, and are looking for me to tidy-up or ‘edit’ their work. This can be tough. Memoir could not be more personal and when I come along, asking what this […]

marnie square

Goodbye Mr Mason

Last Thursday, October 18, one of my first authors died. Gerard Mason was 80 and passed away peacefully at Canterbury Pilgrims Hospice. I was very glad to have visited Mr Mason (as he was to me) to say goodbye a couple of days beforehand. He was a lovely man and I really enjoyed getting to […]

marnie square

Competition Time…

…WIN A PLACE ON MY MEMOIR WRITING COURSE. This September I am teaching a 10-week memoir writing course at the Horsebridge Arts and Community Centre in Whitstable, Kent. And to celebrate the birthday of Your Memoir which was one year old on Friday, August 10, I am giving away a place on this course worth […]

Dear Marnie