Monthly Online Workshop – Writing the Scene

Come and join me from 7.30pm until 8.45pm (BST) on October 16th, when our topic will be Writing The Scene.

Rather than writing chapters that can become dumping grounds for information and summary, I encourage my authors to write as much of their story as possible in scenes.

A memoir’s magic happens in finely crafted scenes which immerse readers in a specific moment, transporting them through vivid actions, telling details, captivating dialogue and emotional resonance.

Scenes are where a memoir comes alive.

This workshop will show you how to transform your memories into absorbing scenes. We’ll dissect what constitutes a balanced, impactful scene so that you can deliver a memorable reading experience for your readers.

Scenes are memoir’s snow globes. Join me on October 16th and let’s make yours shimmer and shine!

Book here for £25 and send me your questions in advance. The session will run for an hour, followed by 15 minutes of questions and chat.

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