Marnie's Memoir Mission
Accountability - Action - Accomplishment
Men, I'll come to you in a moment 🙂
But ladies! A few things have happened recently that have made me reflect on my 16 years in the memoir writing world. And I feel really sad to have to acknowledge that overall it's women who are not getting their memoirs written.
I know why and you do too. It's because women continuously put their dreams on hold while tending to others' needs. There are just SO many demands on a woman's time, energy and resources.
Now, that's not to say that many of these demands aren't welcome and aren't things you want to do and love doing. But the fact remains. Unless a woman is working with someone like me, a mentor and cheerleader - unless there's ACCOUNTABILITY - her writing consistently falls to the bottom of life's to-do list.
But no more! Marnie's Memoir Mission launched in September, 2024 with a wonderful group of writers. And I am opening the Mission to seven more memoirists in March, 2025.
I love working with male memoirists, so guys it's open to you of course - you are very welcome. But this is my clarion call.
Women - writing your memoir is not just an act of self-care—it's a radical, feminist act. You need this. You want to do this. It is your turn to rise up and share your wisdom with the world.

Marnie's Memoir Mission offers:
When you commit, you and I will arrange to chat one-to-one about your memoir and how a typical week looks for you right now.
Then we will do one of two things:
1. We will set your weekly, fortnightly or monthly writing target. This will be a realistic target. Whether you write 500 words a month or 5,000, every word counts, and I'm willing to bet it will be more than you're writing now. You'll upload your words to the Mission portal so you can see your running total and receive congrats from me and your fellow writers. If you don't hit your goal, we'll chat about what needs to change - either your life (!) or your goal.
2. Or, as I discovered when I launched the program - you may prefer not to set a target in terms of word count. But you might prefer a goal to protect your writing time! In which case, we'll look at your schedule, look at where you can put in regular writing time, and then look to defend that precious time from the demands of life!
This is like a gym membership for your memoir. You join up, we make a plan and you do your best to stick to it with warm and friendly encouragement from me. Think of me as your memoir writing personal trainer but with no running, no squats and definitely no burpees. You can write alone in your allotted and protected writing times, and keep me and the other memoirists up to date with how it's going. Or not. It's up to you how much interaction you need or want. But we'll be there, in the private online Mission Forum, ready to cheer you on or pick you up when you stumble. I'll post advice and tips. And twice each month, I'll deliver online co-writing sessions via Zoom for an hour each time. These are immediately followed by 20 mins Q&A, so get online and share your triumphs or concerns and ask me and your fellow memoirists your questions. Both the co-writing and the Q&A are optional, as are cameras. Marnie's Memoir Mission is for YOU - take what you need and what serves your writing.
Marnie's Memoir Mission is your VITAL WRITING SPACE.
A place where you can take big steps, baby steps or any kind of steps at all and be CELEBRATED!
This is tough love time!
I am going to help you overcome the barriers and stick to your commitment.
Your story matters. You don't even ever have to share it. You can just do it for you.
Don't let your memoir remain an unfulfilled dream!
Yours, with tough memoir love, Marnie